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Writers Come Here Or DIE

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Writers Come Here Or DIE Empty Writers Come Here Or DIE

Post  HermioneGranger Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:04 pm

Yo, This is a writing contest, so, write a short little tidbit, that means under ten thousand words, I know, it's hard, god, I have to shorten something up to fit it on here , not sure if I want to post it though, violence and gore is ok, dark stories are ok, just keep the bright pink sparkles away, please, that stuff makes me ill to my stomache, ok you little elves, get to writing, go on, shoo... Like a Star @ heaven

Posts : 74
Join date : 2009-06-01
Age : 28
Location : Up your butt to the left
Humor : Something sick and twisted... teehee!!!

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Writers Come Here Or DIE Empty Re: Writers Come Here Or DIE

Post  Lord Madiac >=D Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:12 pm

omfg I don't want to die D= this person might, though xD


Lediesa gasped, her breath coming in short, pained pants. She fell to her knees, her hands circling around the blade in her chest. Death had always been at the back of her mind, and she'd always pictured it as something quick. However, this seemed to stretch on forever. Glancing down, she saw a sickening amount of blood pooling around her knees.

Everything began to go black, and she unsuccessfully tried to hold herself upright. Before she could register what was happening, she was lying on her side in her own blood. Though she could still hear and feel, she could not see anything. Lediesa felt tears roll down her cheeks as she lay in crippling pain.

Alex swiveled around quickly as a pained cry reached his ears. If his heart had the ability to beat, it would have stopped at that very moment. All he could hear was a loud roaring in his ears as he numbly stumbled over to the dying girl. As he dropped to his knee's, the past few days seemed to race through his empty mind.

He'd been so mad at her. He'd blamed her for everything.

"I hate you! You always ruin everything! I want you to die and just go wherever you are supposed to be so I never have to see you again!" The childish words ran through his head. Each time the words danced through his head, the cold harshness seemed to intensify. If he could have cried right then, he would have.

It was only now, as Alex weeped ghost tears for the dying girl infront of him, that he realized that his life had never been so complete, so full, when she was not in his presence. He'd told her many times how he had hated her, and he realized with a grim dread how wrong he had been.

Alex sat there, longing to touch her, to hold her, to wipe the tears from her face. He leaned down, hearing her heart stuttering as it struggled to remain beating. His lips trembled as they positioned themselves by her ear.

"I love you." He confessed, and nearly cried out in pain and horror as he listened to her heartbeat slowly rapidly. He felt as if his dead heart were being twisted horribly as he saw her shaking lips part.

"That's my line." Lediesa whispered weakly, her heart picking back up as she made a weak attempt at pulling the sword from her chest. Her back arched off the floor as another cry of pain erupted from her lips.

Alex smiled shakily for a moment, before forcing himself off the floor, grimacing at her pain. He had to get help for her, then kill the demons who had performed this horrible dead. Looking at an over-turned bench along the wall, he forced it to tumble loudly down the stairs, and watched with grim satisfaction as people rushed out to see what all the commotion was. Alex walked unwillingly away from Lediesa, knowing that half of himself still remained with her. But he knew he would never be able to stand himself if he let Lediesa die unavenged.
Lord Madiac >=D
Lord Madiac >=D

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Age : 28
Location : can you say "stalker?"
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Writers Come Here Or DIE Empty Re: Writers Come Here Or DIE

Post  HermioneGranger Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:28 pm

I'm using something from the middle of a story I'm working on Smile

There was a wet squelching noise as a once ivory blade plunged through the mans stomache, greedily piercing the skin and through the lower intestines. Crimson blood, as though it were mocking the slowly dieing man, trickled almost lovingly down the blood-rusted blade of the faceless stranger. The man's young ward tried desperately to stop the bile rising into her throat to no avail, she bent over and heaved, vomit splattering on the stone floor, covering her bloody feet as she watched the blade twist around in the wound, the sound of flesh ripping and dry sobs echoeing in the small secluded chamber. Disgustedly, the man used his boot garbed foot to push the still alive man off his sword, smiling diveresely as the blood soaked man began coughing up clots of blood as he lay writhing on the ground, hands pressed against his stomache to keep his organs from spilling out. The swordman turned to the young girl cowering in the corner and said in a gravelly voice "Now it's your turn, sweetheart, I'm going to have fun making you squirm and scream" as he groped her and ran his sword point across her neck. If anyone heard her screams and pleas for help, no one paid them any heed, after all, you speak out against the king, you die, are beaten, raped, tortured slowly. No one will risk that for a girl, no matter how loved.

Posts : 74
Join date : 2009-06-01
Age : 28
Location : Up your butt to the left
Humor : Something sick and twisted... teehee!!!

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Writers Come Here Or DIE Empty Re: Writers Come Here Or DIE

Post  Lord Madiac >=D Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:50 pm

Lord Madiac >=D
Lord Madiac >=D

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Age : 28
Location : can you say "stalker?"
Humor : 100,000,000,000,000,003 =D


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Writers Come Here Or DIE Empty Re: Writers Come Here Or DIE

Post  it'sAdam Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:33 pm

I'd post something, but hardly anything I write is appropriate for young children =/

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Location : uh whut .___.
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Writers Come Here Or DIE Empty Re: Writers Come Here Or DIE

Post  HermioneGranger Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:59 pm

That's why our admin/bestestestestest buddy needs to put in a teen rpg forum!!!! T.T

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Humor : Something sick and twisted... teehee!!!

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Writers Come Here Or DIE Empty Re: Writers Come Here Or DIE

Post  Lord Madiac >=D Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:12 pm

already done =3 -yes, worship me D=<-
Lord Madiac >=D
Lord Madiac >=D

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Age : 28
Location : can you say "stalker?"
Humor : 100,000,000,000,000,003 =D


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Writers Come Here Or DIE Empty Re: Writers Come Here Or DIE

Post  HermioneGranger Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:28 am

-falls down in worship-


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Age : 28
Location : Up your butt to the left
Humor : Something sick and twisted... teehee!!!

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